Porto’s slackline community gathered in the city’s park for a slackline meeting, last may.

With slacklines of various types, at this meeting in Porto’s City Park, some were into trickline, others longline and rodeo and still, for those who had never tried, there were several initiation slacklines available.

These slackline meetings are about sharing, helping each other, tips, tricks and words of encouragement. They are the ideal context to give a boost to our evolution and motivation.

  • slackline porto
  • slackline porto
  • slackline porto
  • slackline porto
  • meetting slackline porto

This meeting, as usual, was attended by slackliners of various nationalities and with the visit of some slackers from Aveiro.

The good news is that the Porto’s Slackline group, who usually promote these meetings, plans to make these happen  monthly, in 2019.

Join this group on facebook.
